Integrative Therapy

Integrative therapy for cancer is any activity or therapy that contributes to your healing, as a complement to traditional cancer treatment. Complementary, integrative therapies work with treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy but are not used instead of these treatments.

Premier Health offers several integrative therapy programs that focus on healing your entire body, mind, and spirit.

Exercise Programs For Cancer Patients

Premier Health offers several exercise programs designed for people with cancer. These include water exercise, individualized assessments, group classes, Tai Chi, yoga, a Healthy Steps movement class, and other activities throughout Premier Health facilities.

Massage Therapy

To relax your mind, body and spirit, massages are periodically provided to patients as they undergo chemotherapy infusion treatments at Premier Health hospitals. Ask your infusion center for more details.

Nutrition Support

Our Premier Health registered, licensed, clinical dietitians will help you with individualized meal planning and managing nutrition-related side effects of cancer and its treatment. Learn more about nutrition counseling.

If you are receiving chemotherapy at an infusion center at Atrium Medical Center or Miami Valley Hospital South, a Premier Health volunteer will offer you a healthy snack during your treatment session. Breakfast or lunch is available to patients upon request at Upper Valley Medical Center.

Pet Therapy

Our specially trained pet therapists and their four-legged friends routinely visit our chemotherapy infusion rooms and patient waiting areas at Atrium Medical Center, Miami Valley Hospital South, and Upper Valley Medical Center. Their gentle approach can be an immediate stress reliever for you and your loved ones.

Support Groups

Premier Health offers support groups to help you manage the emotional and psychological demands of cancer. If you have cancer, you may find comfort in the support of others who understand what you are experiencing.

Therapeutic Art

Patients at Miami Valley Hospital and Miami Valley Hospital South have the opportunity to work on small arts-and-crafts projects during chemotherapy infusion treatments to relieve stress and divert their attention. Ask your nurse for more details.


Contact Us

Call the Premier Health cancer hotline at (844) 316-HOPE(844) 316-4673 (4673), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., to connect with a Premier Health cancer navigator.