Education And Support

We want to help you access all of the care and services you need to aid your healing process. If you have cancer of the head or neck, here are some services that may benefit you:

  • An oncology nurse navigator who knows a great deal about the needs of head and neck cancer patients will assist you by answering questions and finding resources for you and your family as you move through diagnosis, treatment, and beyond. We have nurse navigators at each of our campuses. Your navigator will be there for you every step of the way.
  • Our Swallowing Program offers you therapies and strategies if you are having difficulties with swallowing, chewing, or sucking as a result of your cancer or treatment.

Premier Health also offers a wealth of other resources for people with cancer and their loved ones. Learn more.


Contact Us

Call the Premier Health cancer hotline at (844) 316-HOPE(844) 316-4673 (4673), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., to connect with a Premier Health cancer navigator.