Video: Bad Day? Keep Going!

Ever want to skip the gym and just go straight to bed?

Exercise - It's Essential!

Don’t give up! Keys to success when starting a new exercise plan.

Video: Taking a Tumble

Helping to minimize injury to your body and your ego.

Nutrition – Accountability is the Key

Explore tools and tips to help you on your journey to better nutrition.

Video: Hiking in the Snow

Find a little serenity in the snow.

Conquer Baby’s Teething Pain

Simple ways are the safest to bring sweet relief.

Room Share to Reduce the Risk of SIDS

Keep baby’s bed nearby for safe sleep time.

When He’s Infertile – What You Can Do

Is my partner the reason I can’t get pregnant?

Holiday Safety at Home: A List Worth Checking Twice

Deck your halls safely so you remember the holidays for the right reasons!

Video: Get Ready to Start Going to the Gym

Are you ready to hit the gym?

Goal Setting - the Long and Short of It

Can setting specific, tangible goals really help you lose weight and keep it off?

Video: Meet Dr. Jenny

Can someone who has been obese for almost 10 years really turn her life around?