How can athletes reduce their risk for a meniscus tear?

How can athletes reduce their risk for a meniscus tear?

Dr. Griesser discusses how athletes can reduce their risk for a meniscus tear.

How can the use of InterStim® affect a woman’s quality of life?

How can the use of InterStim® affect a woman’s quality of life?

Dr. William Rettig talks more about how InterStim can affect a woman’s quality of life.

Pep Talk

Pep Talk

Dr. Jenny has done amazing things so far on her journey, like exercising 260 days in a row! However, when her weight plateaus it is hard to stay positive.

Turning Around the Backslide

Turning Around the Backslide

Dr. Jenny’s vacation was fabulous and full of exercise and healthy eating, but the return to reality has been less stellar. Dr. Jenny talks about the challenges she’s faced since her return home.

How is the meniscus torn or injured?

How is the meniscus torn or injured?

Dr. Griesser discusses how the meniscus gets torn or injured.

Are there factors that increase a woman's risk for incontinence?

Are there factors that increase a woman's risk for incontinence?

Physician Assistant Elyse Weber talks more about factors that can increase a woman’s risk for incontinence.

Is female incontinence curable?

Is female incontinence curable?

Physician Assistant Elyse Weber talks more about whether female incontinence is curable.

How do young athletes get a meniscus tear?

How do young athletes get a meniscus tear?

Dr. Griesser discusses how young athletes get meniscus tears.

Review of Migraine Treatment and Devices

Review of Migraine Treatment and Devices

Richard Kim, MD from the Clinical Neuroscience Institute reviews migraine treatments and devices.

What is hepatitis?

What is hepatitis?

Dr. Leelmohan Ravikumar talks more about hepatitis, the different types of the virus, and how they are contracted.

How can you reduce your risk for hepatitis?

How can you reduce your risk for hepatitis?

Dr. Ravikumar discusses how you can reduce your risk for hepatitis.

What are the treatment options for hand and wrist arthritis?

What are the treatment options for hand and wrist arthritis?

Dr. Cavo discusses treatment options for hand and wrist arthritis.