Jenny’s Journey, A Look Back: On a Roll
Eleven months into her weight loss and fitness journey Dr. Jenny reflects on what she has accomplished and what still lies ahead.

Stacia's Story
Stacia Dawson survived a devastating loss and a life-threatening brain aneurysm. When Stacia was transferred to Miami Valley Hospital, Dr. Ludwig met with her loved ones to explain what had happened and how he would fix it.

Jillene's Story
Stroke care at Premier Health saves lives. Jillene Whatley is now a ball of energy who proves that point.

What is the difference between a viral and bacterial infection?
Certified Nurse Practitioner Janet Smith talks more about the difference between a viral and bacterial infection.

What is the best treatment for a common cold?
Certified Nurse Practitioner Janet Smith talks more about the best treatment for a common cold.

What is the difference between the flu and a common cold?
Certified Nurse Practitioner Janet Smith talks more about the difference between the flu and a common cold.

When should I get a flu shot?
Certified Nurse Practitioner Janet Smith talks more about when you should get a flu shot.

How long are individuals contagious with a cold or flu?
Janet Smith, CNP discusses cold and flu concerns.

How is a meniscus tear treated?
Dr. Griesser discusses how a meniscus tear is treated.

Who is the ideal candidate for InterStim®?
Dr. William Rettig talks more about who makes a good candidate for InterStim.

What symptoms should be signals to a woman that she needs to talk to her doctor about incontinence?
Physician Assistant Elyse Weber talks more about symptoms that should signal a woman to talk to her doctor about incontinence.

What is InterStim®?
Dr. William Rettig talks more about what InterStim is.