What is the best treatment for a common cold?

What is the best treatment for a common cold?

Certified Nurse Practitioner Janet Smith talks more about the best treatment for a common cold.

What is the difference between the flu and a common cold?

What is the difference between the flu and a common cold?

Certified Nurse Practitioner Janet Smith talks more about the difference between the flu and a common cold.

When should I get a flu shot?

When should I get a flu shot?

Certified Nurse Practitioner Janet Smith talks more about when you should get a flu shot.

How long are individuals contagious with a cold or flu?

How long are individuals contagious with a cold or flu?

Janet Smith, CNP discusses cold and flu concerns.

Who is the ideal candidate for InterStim®?

Who is the ideal candidate for InterStim®?

Dr. William Rettig talks more about who makes a good candidate for InterStim.

How is a meniscus tear treated?

How is a meniscus tear treated?

Dr. Griesser discusses how a meniscus tear is treated.

What symptoms should be signals to a woman that she needs to talk to her doctor about incontinence?

What symptoms should be signals to a woman that she needs to talk to her doctor about incontinence?

Physician Assistant Elyse Weber talks more about symptoms that should signal a woman to talk to her doctor about incontinence.

What is InterStim®?

What is InterStim®?

Dr. William Rettig talks more about what InterStim is.

How can athletes reduce their risk for a meniscus tear?

How can athletes reduce their risk for a meniscus tear?

Dr. Griesser discusses how athletes can reduce their risk for a meniscus tear.

How can the use of InterStim® affect a woman’s quality of life?

How can the use of InterStim® affect a woman’s quality of life?

Dr. William Rettig talks more about how InterStim can affect a woman’s quality of life.

Pep Talk

Pep Talk

Dr. Jenny has done amazing things so far on her journey, like exercising 260 days in a row! However, when her weight plateaus it is hard to stay positive.

Turning Around the Backslide

Turning Around the Backslide

Dr. Jenny’s vacation was fabulous and full of exercise and healthy eating, but the return to reality has been less stellar. Dr. Jenny talks about the challenges she’s faced since her return home.