Natural Birthing Options

When you’re ready to think about the childbirth experience you want, Premier Physician Network obstetrician-gynecologists and certified nurse midwives offer you choices. In partnership with Premier Health hospitals, we offer natural birthing options in private, home-like rooms backed by the reassurance of emergency medical care, if needed. You’re encouraged to share the experience of birth with your family and friends.

Support for Natural Childbirth

In Premier Health’s natural childbirth centers, nurses are dedicated to the natural childbirth process and experienced in natural childbirth labor support. They assist, support and guide the family using natural childbirth tools. You may choose movement, aromatherapy, music, positioning, labor tools and water therapy to cope with labor and birth. Nurses encourage you to use positions for delivery that feel right to you. Each room is equipped with a large Jacuzzi® tub.

For postpartum care, there’s 24-hour rooming-in with no separation of the family unless complications arise. To support you in breastfeeding, no pacifiers or formula supplements are given without parental consent or medical necessity.

Learn More

Discover more about natural childbirth options and how to enroll: