Spine and Back Center Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to CNSI Spine and Back Center frequently asked questions.

What are spine and back conditions?

Spine and back conditions range from arthritis and compression fractures to spinal stenosis. They can cause pain and discomfort and even limit movement and activity.

What causes spine and back conditions?

Some spine and back conditions can be present at birth or can be acquired through age, like arthritis, illness, or injury, like spinal and compression fractures.

How are spine and back conditions diagnosed?

Spine and back conditions are diagnosed through a review of symptoms, a physical examination, and by conducting certain imaging tests like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray.

How are spine and back conditions treated?

Spine and back conditions may be treated with non-invasive methods such as medications, exercise and physical therapy. In more serious cases, surgical procedures could be necessary to treat the condition or alleviate a patient’s discomfort.

What types of spine and back pain are treated at the CNSI Spine and Back Center?

We treat a broad spectrum of spine and back conditions, from spinal stenosis and herniated discs.

Why should patients choose CNSI’s Spine and Back Center for their care?

Our board-certified physicians and providers are specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide spectrum of spine and back conditions. Our experienced and professional team of highly-qualified specialists and providers are educated and trained in neurocritical care, neurointervention, neurosurgery, and spine surgery. They bring a collective commitment to patient care at the Spine and Back Center, putting their patients’ wellbeing first and working together toward the best outcomes.

At the CNSI Spine and Back Center, our goal is providing you with personal, comprehensive care and helping you enjoy a healthy, active life.