Herniated Disc

A herniated disc occurs when the soft discs between the bones of your spine bulge and put pressure on surrounding nerves. It is sometimes called a "slipped disc," or a "ruptured disc."

The physicians and providers at the Clinical Neuroscience Institute are specially trained in the treatment of herniated discs. Our highly-qualified team is focused on the thorough, effective care of this condition, and to alleviating the symptoms so you can return to a comfortable, active, and healthy life.

What is a Herniated Disc?

The bones of your spine are separated by softer membranes called discs, and they allow movement in your spine. A herniated disc is one that bulges or moves out of place and puts pressure on surrounding tissue and nerves. Herniated discs are common in the lower back between the rib cage and hip bones.

Pain in the back and legs is a common symptom of a herniated disc. The amount and location of the pain depends on which disc of the spine is dislocated. The pain may alleviate during periods of rest, and increase during physical activity.

Diagnosing a Herniated Disc

Your physician will ask about your symptoms and conduct a physical examination. A definitive diagnosis of a herniated disc is usually revealed with diagnostic imaging screens such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or X-ray.

Treatment for Herniated Disc

Medications may relieve the pain caused by a herniated disc, or your doctor may give you an injection to alleviate the discomfort. Exercise, physical therapy, or the treatment of a chiropractor may also be effective in treating a herniated disc. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove part of the disc or replace it entirely.