Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when parts of the tendons of the wrist become enlarged, pressing on nerves and causing discomfort and sometimes limited movement in the wrist and hand.

The skilled professionals at CNSI are trained and experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Depending on each patient’s individual circumstances, our specialist will create a treatment plan that works best for you.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist that surrounds the median nerve, which controls movement in the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the passageway enlarges and presses against the median nerve, causing numbness or pain.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can result from repeated movements of the hand or wrist. Certain job tasks such as using a computer or working on an assembly line, or hobbies like gardening or knitting, can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. The disorder can also be caused by an injury or diseases like diabetes.

Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Your doctor may ask about your symptoms and physical activity, and perform a physical examination to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome. Some tests like electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction tests may be used to measure muscle and nerve activity, aiding the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Treating carpal tunnel syndrome may depend on the cause of the disorder. If the syndrome is caused by a medical problem, the physician may treat that condition first. 

If carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by repeated physical activity, the patient may wear a splint to restrict certain movement. Medications to ease pain may be prescribed, and some forms of physical therapy can be effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome.