Memory Disorder Care at CNSI

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease are related to changes in the brain that affect cognitive capabilities and social behaviors. Alzheimer’s is a specific disease; dementia is a term used to describe the group of symptoms that result from disorders like Alzheimer’s Disease. While dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease are associated with, and common among, elderly people, they are not normal parts of the aging process and do not afflict older people alone.

At the Clinical Neuroscience Institute’s Memory Center, our board-certified specialists have experience and skill in the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia-related disorders. Our fellowship-trained physicians and experienced providers are committed to caring for patients with professionalism and compassion. 

Diagnosing Dementia

Dementia affects memory, language, problem-solving skills, and behaviors that interfere with a person’s ability to perform simple tasks. Dementia is not a disease, but the group of symptoms that result from a disorder. Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells that results from conditions like stroke, Huntington’s Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer's Disease. Dementia is often associated with elderly people, but it is not a normal part of the aging process. Dementia does affect many older people, but can be found in people of all ages. Know the Signs of Dementia.

Alzheimer’s Disease is a disorder that is a common cause of dementia. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease of the brain that has no known cause or cure. Dementia resulting from Alzheimer’s comes in stages as the disease progresses. Symptoms may include:

Mild Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Repeating questions
  • Trouble managing money or paying bills
  • Wandering or getting lost

Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Difficulty recognizing family and friends
  • Hallucinations
  • Inability to learn new things
  • Language problems
  • Paranoia
  • Trouble with reasoning
  • Worsening memory and confusion

Severe Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Inability to communicate
  • Wholly dependent on others for care

Dementia is often diagnosed through a series of tests that assess the patient’s cognitive performance. Memory, reasoning, attention, and language are usually some of the factors that are tested.

A physician may conduct blood tests to rule out other conditions, and may order imaging tests like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans to check for other causes of a patient’s symptoms.

How We Treat Dementia

Some symptoms of dementia are reversible. Dementia that is caused by drug or alcohol use, that results from nutritional deficiencies, or come from a reaction to medication or infection can be treated and improved.

Dementias resulting from progressive conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease cannot be reversed. There are some methods of treatment that may slow the progression, however. Some medications, such as cholinesterase inhibitors, may delay the progression of dementia. Physical activity and participation in social events may also slow the advancement of symptoms.