Can You Beat the Cravings?

“My body wants and craves good food- not junk!”

How Are You Doing It? Many of You Ask

What three basic changes have led to Dr. Jenny’s success?

Know the Facts About Vaping and E-Cigarettes

What’s in that e-cig vapor may surprise you.

25 Tips for Safe and Healthy Travel

Three cheers for V-A-C-A-TION! Now make sure it’s safe and healthy.

Do You Find It Hard to Just Say No?

Learn to set boundaries, or you’ll be saying “yes” to stress.

Danger: Child Left in Car

It’s never OK – not even for a minute.

Calorie Controversy: What’s True and What’s Not?

Is a calorie of chocolate the same as a calorie of lettuce?

Preparing for Baby: Prenatal and Childbirth Classes

Learn the ins and outs of childbirth before you deliver.

What's Worse Than Flu or Asthma? Both

A flu infection can result in more severe and frequent asthma attacks.

Peanuts for Your ‘Peanut’ May Prevent Allergies

Introducing peanuts sooner is now recommended.