Respond To Stroke Symptoms: BE FAST

(B)alance, (E)yes, (F)ace drooping, (A)rm weakness, (S)peech slurring and (T)ime: Remember these stroke signs and what to do.

Know These Eight Controllable Risk Factors For Stroke

Do everything you can to protect yourself from having a stroke.

Debunking 10 Myths About Stroke

Separate fact from fiction when it comes to stroke, a leading cause of death and disability in the U.S.

Migraines And Stroke: Is There a Link?

Preventing migraines may reduce your long-term risk of stroke.

Botox® Joins the Migraine Battle

A little Botox® could save the day for migraine sufferers.

It's Worse For Women: 4 Ways Hormones Give Us Headaches

Are headaches more common in women? The answer is yes, and here’s why.

'Worst Headache': When It's Time For Emergency Care

For your life’s sake, know and heed the signs of a burst brain aneurysm.

Should I Call the Doctor For My Headache?

How to tell the difference between an annoying headache and a health concern.

10 Complementary Therapies That Might Ease Headache Pain

Integrating alternative treatments with conventional medicine provides relief for some headache sufferers.