Optimizing Sleep At Every Age
Are you getting the right amount?

How Shift Work Affects Your Sleep Cycle
Get good sleep when you work second or third shift.

Exercise And Sleep: Timing Is Everything
Can’t sleep? Try working out — at just the right time.

That Summertime Itch: Poison Ivy And Its Relatives
To dodge the itch, learn how to recognize and avoid poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac.

Health Effects of Caffeine
You love your coffee, but when is too much caffeine a problem?

10 Tips To Eating Healthy For Older Adults
Get the most out of life at any age by eating right.

Could Some Protein Powders be Hazardous to Your Health?
What you should know before you buy one.

Myths And Realities Of Coconut Oil
It doesn’t make the lists for heart health or brain health.

Nosebleeds — No Big Deal Or Cause For Concern?
Your mom was right — don’t pick your nose!

How To Stop Eating Your Way Through Stress
You can overcome the emotional drive to eat.

9 Facts – And 1 Great Tip - About Organic Food
Should you stretch your wallet to buy organic food? Learn more to make the best decision for you.

Kidney Stone Pain? Changing Your Diet Can Help
Eat right and kick kidney stone pain to the curb.

The First Look: Are Ultrasounds Safe And Necessary?
Ready to meet your baby for the first time? Know the risks and benefits of prenatal ultrasound.

Morning Sickness: What To Do When Your Body Says No To Food
How do you know when morning sickness is something to be worried about? And how do you treat it?