Are you getting enough sleep?

Are you getting enough sleep?

Mazen Dallel, MD: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

How do flu vaccines work?

How do flu vaccines work?

Dr. Joshua Ordway talks more about how flu vaccines work.

What are the differences between the flu and pneumonia?

What are the differences between the flu and pneumonia?

Dr. Joshua Ordway explains the difference between the flu and pneumonia.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

Dr. Joshua Ordway discusses symptoms of pneumonia.

Can a cold turn into the flu?

Can a cold turn into the flu?

Dr. Ordway explains how a cold can turn into the flu.

Gina's Story

Gina's Story

Gina Kelley hopes most people needing total knee replacement surgery have the same positive experience she had.

She believes her surgery, performed by Donald Delcamp, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon with Upper Valley Orthopedics, is a key reason she was able to walk on her own only 11 days after her knee-replacement surgery on January 13, 2014.

What happens when there is a disruption in taking prescribtion medication for a chronic condition?

What happens when there is a disruption in taking prescribtion medication for a chronic condition?

Dr. Michael Dulan talks more about a disruption in medications for a chronic condition.

What is medication non-adherence?

What is medication non-adherence?

 Dr. Michael Dulan talks more about medical non-adherence.

How is ALS currently treated?

How is ALS currently treated?

Dr. Bryan Ludwig talks about treatment of ALS.

How does humidity affect athletes?

How does humidity affect athletes?

Dr. Rayborn discusses how humidity affects athletes.

Does the type of clothing someone wears make a difference in the sun?

Does the type of clothing someone wears make a difference in the sun?

Dr. Rayborn discusses how clothing choice makes a difference in the sun.

What is heat illness and what are the different levels?

What is heat illness and what are the different levels?

Dr. Jeffrey Rayborn talks more about heat illness and the levels of heat illness.