How is peripheral arterial disease (PAD) diagnosed and treated?

How is peripheral arterial disease (PAD) diagnosed and treated?

Premier Health’s Dr. Gary Fishbein discusses diagnosis and treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

How is Ocelot used in the treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

How is Ocelot used in the treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

The Ocelot catheter allows a cardiologist to see artery walls as a laser fiber cuts through plaque buildup.

What are the symptoms of peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

What are the symptoms of peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

Premier Health’s Dr. Gary Fishbein talks about the symptoms of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Why is it important to diagnose and treat peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

Why is it important to diagnose and treat peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

Premier Health’s Dr. Gary Fishbein explains why it is important to diagnose and treat peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

What treatment options are available for those who suffer with peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

What treatment options are available for those who suffer with peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

Premier Health’s Dr. Gary Fishbein explains the range of treatment options available to people with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). 

When someone has peripheral arterial disease (PAD), what causes pain with walking?

When someone has peripheral arterial disease (PAD), what causes pain with walking?

Premier Health’s Dr. Gary Fishbein discusses intermittent claudication, a common symptom of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

How is severe peripheral arterial disease (PAD) treated?

How is severe peripheral arterial disease (PAD) treated?

Premier Health’s Dr. Gary Fishbein discusses treatment of severe peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Can you have peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and not know it?

Can you have peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and not know it?

Premier Health’s Dr. Gary Fishbein discusses the symptoms—or lack—of peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

How is peripheral arterial disease treated in its early stages?

How is peripheral arterial disease treated in its early stages?

Premier Health’s Dr. Gary Fishbein talks about early treatment for peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

What happens if peripheral arterial disease (PAD) goes undiagnosed or untreated?

What happens if peripheral arterial disease (PAD) goes undiagnosed or untreated?

Premier Health’s Dr. Gary Fishbein discusses the risks of untreated peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

What is peripheral arterial disease or PAD?

What is peripheral arterial disease or PAD?

Premier Health's Dr. Gary Fishbein explains what peripheral arterial disease or PAD is.