How I'm Doing It: Increasing Your Exercise

Dr. Jenny helps you step up your game!

Video: It is SO Worth It!

You CAN change your life.

How I'm Doing It: Beginning to Exercise

Can slow and steady really get you to your goal?

How Are You Doing It? Many of You Ask

What three basic changes have led to Dr. Jenny’s success?

Video: Yoga Classes

Don’t be afraid to take your yoga routine public.

Video: Stairpocalypse!

Mastering the stairs!

Video: Return to the Stairmaster

Sometimes you must confront your nemesis!

Video: Exercise Doesn’t Have to be All or Nothing

You can have too much of a good thing.

Video: Feeling Good While Working Out

Find your exercise coasting point.

Video: The Stairmaster: My Nemesis

When you feel the burn, you know you’re getting stronger!

Video: Mix It Up to Keep It Fresh

Can a healthy lifestyle get you back on the track?

Video: A Breathing Tip for Your Workout

Can pursing your lips really help your workout?

Video: Best Cardio Yet: Finding the Inner Athlete

As your workouts progress, the good feelings grow.