
What’s the Truth About Food And Acne?

Not everything you’ve heard may be true – but diet can have a role in outbreaks.


Here’s the Skinny On Skin Infections

Learn about common skin infections and how to avoid and treat them.

Psoriasis: Is This Chronic Skin Condition Curable or Controllable?

Seeing silver scales on your skin? You’re not alone.

Skin Tags: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

These benign skin markings can be annoying, but they’re harmless.

Harmless But Annoying: Sebhorrheic Keratosis

Typically not worrisome, this common skin condition is one sign of aging.

It’s Clear: Nutrition Plays a Role in Healthy Skin

You can slow the effects of aging skin and help lessen sun damage.

Banish Those Annoying Age Spots for Good

Are those annoying spots on your hands broadcasting your age to the world?

Keep Your Nails Looking Good – and Healthy

At home and at the salon, it pays to follow these tips.

Can Botox® Banish Your Wrinkles?

Laughing is good for the soul, but it could be adding years to your face!

Illuminating the Risk of Tanning Beds

The sun vs. tanning bed: Does one put you at less risk of skin cancer?

My Face is Red. Do I Have Rosacea?

This chronic skin condition isn’t curable, but you can manage the symptoms.

Thinking About Inking? Think Again

What do your tattoo and car paint have in common? The answer may scare you.

Tips to Keep Your Makeup Safe

How to know when it’s time to toss.