What You Need to Know About Managing Your Diabetes with Insulin
Injection or pump? Learn which may work best for you.

Beat Hypoglycemia Using Your Diabetes Smarts
Your safety depends on fighting low blood sugar.

Can Skimping on Sleep Add Up to Obesity?
Get the skinny on the sleep-obesity connection

Will Your Pregnancy Be High-Risk? Plan Ahead
How to start now to reduce your chance of a high-risk pregnancy

9 Tips for Hitting the Road with Diabetes
Thoughtful advice on how to enjoy your time away.

Keep an Eye on it! Vision Care With Diabetes
Don’t let hindsight be the only thing that is 20/20.

Happy Holidays with Diabetes
Party time isn’t panic time for diabetics. Learn smart survival tips.

Diabetes, Gimme a Break!
Six steps to get your mojo back when managing diabetes wears you out

Loving Someone with Diabetes: 5 Rules for Caregivers
Are you overdoing it when caring for your loved one, or are you a no-show?

Healthy Pregnancy With Diabetes: You Can Do It!
The keys are planning, a great health care team, and good blood glucose control – months before you’re pregnant.

7 Ways to Eat Smart with Diabetes
Simple steps can help put you in control.

Women and Diabetes: 7 Ways We’re Different
How does a diabetes diagnosis change things up for your health?

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Head to Toe: How Controlling Diabetes Benefits Blood Flow
Your blood vessels work their best when you keep your blood sugar under control.