What other alternatives are there for pain relief besides an epidural?

What other alternatives are there for pain relief besides an epidural?

Dr. Judith Burichin explains childbirth pain relief options to epidurals.

What is prenatal care?

What is prenatal care?

Dr. Gregory Siewny explains prenatal care.

Why is it important to be in good health before getting pregnant?

Why is it important to be in good health before getting pregnant?

Dr. Gregory Siewny talks more about the importance of good health before getting pregnant.

What routine doctor visits can I expect while I'm pregnant?

What routine doctor visits can I expect while I'm pregnant?

Dr. Gregory Siewny discusses doctor visits during pregnancy.

Is infertility just a woman's problem?

Is infertility just a woman's problem?

Dr. Steven Lindheim talks more about infertility.

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

Dr. Heather Hilkowitz talks more about the symptoms of endometriosis.

Virginia and Gustavo's Story

Virginia and Gustavo's Story

Virginia Gimenez said her family will be incomplete forever. Virginia and Gustavo Gimenez’s first born child, Emma, was stillborn on May 28, 2011. One of the first things her doctor at the time wanted Virginia and Gustavo to do was find a support group. They found the HEAL program at Atrium Medical Center founded and lead by Sheree Young.

What are safety steps for easily childproofing a family home?

What are safety steps for easily childproofing a family home?

Dr. Paul Weber explains more about childproofing.