Important Numbers

Find phone numbers for Premier Health services at any location. If the number you’re looking for is not listed, please dial the main number of the location you’re trying to reach.

Premier Health

Patient Financial Services

Central Scheduling Pre-Registration, Priceline, and Pre-certification

Atrium Medical Center

Main Number: (513) 974-2111(513) 974-2111 or (800) 338-4057(800) 338-4057 toll-free
Patient Information:  (513) 974-4530(513) 974-4530
Patient Experience:  (513) 974-5072(513) 974-5072
Medical Records: (513) 974-5200(513) 974-5200
Central Scheduling Pre-Registration, Priceline, and Pre-certification:

Miami Valley Hospital

Main Number: (937) 208-8000(937) 208-8000
Patient Information: (937) 208-2048(937) 208-2048
Patient Experience: (937) 208-2666(937) 208-2666
Medical Records:  (937) 208-2806(937) 208-2806
Central Scheduling Pre-Registration, Priceline, and Pre-certification:

Miami Valley Hospital North

Main Number: (937) 734-6784(937) 734-6784
Patient Information: (937) 208-8000(937) 208-8000
Patient Experience: (937) 208-2666(937) 208-2666
Medical Records: (937) 208-2806(937) 208-2806
Central Scheduling Pre-Registration, Priceline, and Pre-certification:

Miami Valley Hospital South

Main Number: (937) 438-2400(937) 438-2400
Patient Number: (937) 208-8000(937) 208-8000
Patient Experience: (937) 208-2666(937) 208-2666
Medical Records: (937) 208-2806(937) 208-2806
Central Scheduling Pre-Registration, Priceline, and Pre-certification:

Upper Valley Medical Center

Main Number: (937) 440-4000(937) 440-4000
Patient Information: (937) 440-4717(937) 440-4717
Patient Experience: (937) 440-4717(937) 440-4717
Medical Records: (937) 440-4650(937) 440-4650
Central Scheduling Pre-Registration, Priceline, and Pre-certification:

Fidelity Health Care

Home Health Care
Dayton: (937) 208-6400(937) 208-6400
Middletown: (513) 425-0972(513) 425-0972
Toll-free: (800) 946-6344(800) 946-6344

Independent Care Services
(937) 208-6402(937) 208-6402

Infusion Therapy
(937) 208-6400(937) 208-6400, ask for Infusion Therapy

Medical Equipment
(937) 208-6400(937) 208-6400, ask for Medical Equipment

CPAP/BiPAP Equipment and Supplies
(937) 208-6400(937) 208-6400 and ask for CPAP/BiPAP