Provider Profile: Dr. Steve Robbe

Premier Pulse     August 2022

Steve Robbe, MD

What is your clinical specialty?

Family Medicine

Where did you go to school?

University of Dayton – Undergrad

Wright State University – Medical School

What brought you to Premier Health? 

I have been affiliated with Miami Valley Hospital and Premier Health since my residency in the 1980s. 

Why did you choose medicine as a career? 

I have always been interested in science and while it sounds cliché, I have always been interested in helping people.

Who are the people who influenced and/or mentored you? 

My parents, of course but also my grandfather, who was a pharmacist.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you? 

I enjoy hiking!

Where is your hometown?

I was born in Cincinnati, but I have lived in Kettering since I was six years old.

What, if any, sports team(s) do you cheer for?

I love the Green Bay Packers and UD Basketball.

What is the last book you read? 

“Dream Team” by David Baldacci

What is your favorite song in your playlist? 

“Human” by the Killers

What is your favorite food?

It’s a snack – soft pretzels

What is your favorite hobby?

Reading, following my sports teams, and golfing 

What is your favorite animal, and why?

Dogs – because of their loyalty to you, they love you unconditionally.

Where is your favorite vacation spot, and why?

Sunrise, Arizona. My wife and I have a second home there.

Describe something (a thing, person, place, experience, etc.) for which you are especially thankful:

I am especially thankful that my wife visited her brother while he was in college for siblings’ weekend – it was where we met.

Pick a side

iPhone or Android


Early bird or night owl

Night owl

Beach bum or mountain hiker?  


Dress shoes or tennis shoes?

Tennis shoes

Paperback or e-reader? 


Coffee or tea?


Cooking or baking?


Sweet or salty?


Back to the August 2022 issue of Premier Pulse

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