Clinical Spotlight: Michael Lee, MD
Michael Lee, MD
How The Nomadic Surgeon Found Premier
What is your clinical specialty?
General Surgery
Where did you go to school?
Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine – Undergraduate
Andrews University - Undergraduate
Loma Linda University School of Medicine – Medical School
Wright State University – General Surgery Residency
What brought you to Premier Health?
Having trained at Premier Health as part of my residency, I was excited to come back to work with a great group of surgeons at Gem City Surgeons.
Why did you choose medicine as a career?
Growing up in a missionary family, I have always wanted to have a career where I would be able to help people.
Who are the people who influenced and/or mentored you?
My family was always supportive of me and encouraged me to do my best in everything.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I hate swimming, biking and running, but I somehow finished an Ironman triathlon in 2021.
Where is your hometown?
Born in Seoul, Korea
Grew up in the Philippines, China, Michigan, and Tennessee
What, if any, sports team(s) do you cheer for?
Chicago Bears
What is the last book you read?
Living with a SEAL: 31 Days Training with the Toughest Man on the Planet
What is your favorite song in your playlist?
“Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd
What is your favorite food?
Korean barbecue
What is your favorite hobby?
Playing tennis and fishing
What is your favorite animal, and why?
Orca, its beauty and gracefulness yet aggressive nature.
Where is your favorite vacation spot, and why?
I like to travel to new vacation spots, so I do not have a favorite.
Describe something (a thing, person, place, experience, etc.) for which you are especially thankful:
I am especially thankful to my family for supporting me through the long hours of medical school and residency.
Pick a side
iPhone or Android
Early bird or night owl
Night Owl
Beach bum or mountain hiker?
Beach Bum
Dress shoes or tennis shoes?
Tennis Shoes
Paperback or e-reader?
Coffee or tea?
Cooking or baking?
Sweet or salty?
Back to the June 2023 issue of Premier Pulse