Pediatric Emergency Preparedness

Premier Nursing News

By Andrea Stayner, BSN RN

Pediatric ImageIn recent months, members of the Atrium Medical Center (AMC) team participated in a series of pediatric trauma simulation drills which included over 120 healthcare providers in the area! These interdisciplinary drills included Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Respiratory Therapy and Nursing Services. The topics covered in these simulations included PALS Guidelines, TNCC Primary and Secondary Survey, Intra-Osseous needle placement, and included a Broselow Cart Scavenger Hunt. CareFlight members also participated in these drills, as they are an important part of transferring our most critical patients to a higher level of care. Having everyone on site at AMC offered everyone an opportunity to learn together, and better understand each other’s various roles during a pediatric emergency. While CareFlight was onsite, this also offered hospital personnel an opportunity to tour the CareFlight aircraft.

The SIM NewB made its debut early 2016, and will be permanently housed here at AMC to support pediatric training. Supplied by a generous grant from the foundation, SIM NewB, is a realistic pediatric simulator in which clinicians can practice airway management, compressions, and a multitude of various neonatal skills within a realistic simulation environment.

Staff from AMC and surrounding EMS departments were given the opportunity to practice real life scenariosin the trauma bay. The collaborative efforts between EMS providers and hospital personnel play an important role in excellent patient care. Through continued education efforts, prehospital and emergency room personnel are working together to create healthier communities. All nurses in the emergency department participate in ride along time, in order to better understand the role of EMS and pre hospital care, as well as the journey that their patient endures on the way into the hospital setting.

Together as a team, our passion far exceeds the confines of the patient care setting. Hospital and prehospital staff members have come together to use their extensive knowledge and training in order to better serve our community. Many events going on in the Middletown area are well attended by nurses, EMS provider and police officers working together to educate on a wide variety of healthcare topics. Working together comes naturally. We are one team. We have one mission, to better serve our community and patients, keeping them healthy and safe. It is through continued education and simulation that we are able to grow as healthcare providers in order to give the best care to all we may encounter.

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