Safe sleep means a safe environment for babies to sleep in. Our term for this entire project says, safe sleep, every infant, every caregiver, every time. What that means is that babies sleep most safely on their back, in their own sleep space, crib, pack ‘n play and alone. They are not meant to share other sleep spaces with other adults, children, animals or pets. Babies don’t need lots of things in their crib. It needs to be very stark. It needs a firm mattress and a tight-fitting sheet. They don’t need lots of extraneous things. They don’t need bumper pads to prevent them from sticking an arm out; that’s not going to happen. They don’t need quilts and pillows and those kinds of things that could potentially get near their face and cause accidental suffocation. Sometimes entrapment issues occur when babies are placed in adult beds, actually wedged between the mattress and the wall. A safe environment for a baby is uncluttered, undisturbed individual safe sleep space. This is not rocket science. We are not asking you to buy the million dollar set up for this baby; we’re not asking you to do things that are out of the realm of possibility. If that were the case, if we were asking you to bring them in once a week or something like that but it’s not. It’s the basics. It’s Alone on their back in their crib.