Dr. Bruce and Neila Barnes – 2022 Community Hero Award
Atrium Medical Center Foundation’s 2022 Joie de Vivre gala honored two Community Heroes, Dr. Bruce and Neila Barnes. The couple has lived in the Middletown area for more than 60 years. Both Dr. and Mrs. Barnes have made their mark on the hospital and the Foundation. Mrs. Barnes’ volunteer work includes chairing the Middletown Area Federation of Women’s Club Charity Ball in 1978 and serving on the Foundation’s gala committee since its first event in 2007. Dr. Barnes is a long-time member of the Middletown Fine Arts Center board, where he garnered two service awards. He also served as president of the Butler County Dental Society. In 2003, the Foundation’s board of directors asked Dr. and Mrs. Barnes to co-chair the Heritage Society, a new initiative composed of supporters who include Atrium Medical Center Foundation in their estate plans. A two-year term turned into more than 16 years. Under their stewardship, the Heritage Society has grown to more than 100 members.