Vaughn's Story: Procedure “Makes A Huge Difference In My Quality Of Life”
The headaches were getting more frequent and more severe for Vaughn Welches of Troy, Ohio. This 68-year old father of two and grandpa of two said he has a high pain tolerance. But after approximately six years of sinus headaches affecting one or more areas of his jaw and temple, it was time to take action.
Vaughn checked with his dentist who said there were no problems with his teeth. He also checked with his family physician who tried antibiotics, which proved to be ineffective.
Vaughn and his wife decided to reconnect with Jeffery Adam, MD of Premier ENT Associates, part of Premier Health Specialists. Years ago, Dr. Adam had performed life-saving measures for an unusual ENT condition their son had.
After viewing tests results and talking with Vaughn, Dr. Adam recommended endoscopic sinus surgery to remove blockages in Vaughn’s sinuses.
The sinuses are hollow areas formed by the bones of the face. Normally, a thin layer of mucus drains from the sinuses into the nose. If the drainage path is blocked, problems such as infection can result.
“I learned that the infection could have started 20 years ago when I had my wisdom teeth removed,” Vaughn said. “A tiny hole in my jaw could have started it all.”
On June 21, 2016 at Upper Valley Medical Center, Vaughn had the outpatient procedure done. Dr. Adam used a thin, tube-shaped tool called an endoscope (scope) to go into Vaughn’s nose and clear the blockages in his sinuses. Vaughn went home the same day.
A few days later, a nose bleed problem landed him back at Upper Valley Medical Center where Dr. Adam repaired the sinus wall. “Weird as it sounds, the wall had become accustomed to being packed with infection for decades and was weakened,” said Vaughn. “I appreciate doctors who give the best care possible, for routine procedures and also when something unusual happens. Dr. Adam is at the top of my list.”
While Vaughn is grateful for the care received from Dr. Adam, he credits his faith for healing. “God is my healer,” he said.
Vaughn is happy to report his sinus headaches are a thing of the past. Without sinus headaches, Vaughn can more fully enjoy his passion for music. He plays the guitar and serves as the coordinator for the Dayton chapter of the Nashville Songwriters Association International.
“Before surgery, I couldn’t remember the last time I had gone three days without a headache,” he said. “Now I’m no more likely to get a headache than the average person. That makes a huge difference in my quality of life.”